
Wishlist Catalogue – Make dreams come true

How You Can Help

Since 2019 Kids Up Front Vancouver has provided more than 77,000 experiences to kids and families in our community. We work with approximately 100 child and family focused charities and agency partners to give kids facing systemic, social, cultural, mental and health barriers the opportunity to sit in the stands or experience live theatre for the first time.  Unfortunately, the number of requests routinely outnumber ticket availability 3:1 and up to 5:1.  Throughout the year, there are many specific experiences requested that we don’t receive donated tickets for and so we can’t fulfill the request. Our More Than Applause, More Than a Ticket and Fan Friday campaigns are a way for YOU to help us fulfill those unmet wishes and make smiles and joy a reality for the kids and families we serve!

Become a monthly donor through one of our campaigns and we will be able to give kids access to experiences like those listed here on this page!  Have a heart for theatre? Become a monthly donor with our More Than Applause campaign and we can fulfill more requests when ticket availability doesn’t meet the demand. And of course, you can help us send kids, youth and families to experience live sporting events with our Fan Friday campaign. More Than a Ticket enables us to build partnerships with vendors and event hosts so that we can access larger blocks of tickets and share the opportunity with our partner agencies that send groups as they work to build positive relationships and community.  Thank you for your support – your contribution goes a long way to making a difference: joy, inclusion, strong communities and enriching experiences.

Why We Do It

Kids Up Front has a mission to create joy, promote inclusion, and strengthen communities by connecting children and their families to enriching experiences. While fun and enriching experiences are commonly viewed as a luxury, we want children to participate fully in our greater community and so we work to gain access to equal opportunities for culture, artistic, recreational, and leisure activities for them and their families.

Research has shown that recreation and leisure is an important part of mental health. Access to enriching experiences alleviates social issues, improves quality of life, promotes physical activity, and is overall beneficial (Baur & Tynon, 2012; Bedimo-Rung et al., Bricker et al., 2016; Chiesura, 2004; Powers et al.,2021). They create bonding experiences, community engagement and opportunity for equal access.

Donation Catalogue Ideas for 2025
Set Up Monthly Donations

Support access to theatre and live performances

kids-up-front-foundation-vancouver | CharityProfile | Donate Online

Support access to sporting events

kids-up-front-foundation-vancouver | CharityProfile | Donate Online

Support access to unique experiences

kids-up-front-foundation-vancouver | CharityProfile | Donate Online

Become a monthly donor for as little as $30 a month and we will ensure more kids access experiences they would otherwise not have the opportunity to share in.

All monthly campaign donations are through Canada Helps – easy to set up and secure. Tax receipts are provided through Canada Helps.